Read the Conversation

EF: Could you highlight key milestones from the past twenty years that Novo Nordisk has been in Mexico, and what are your priorities and top agenda for 2024? 

VS: We are proud to celebrate our 20th anniversary in Mexico, where we are committed to serving more patients and making a difference in their lives. Last year, we reached a milestone by serving 240,000 patients with our innovative products, and we are aiming to reach 340,000 patients this year. We are excited about our impact and plans, including establishing a Global Business Service center in Mexico, which will create 300 new jobs by the end of the year. With this expansion, we'll have around 700 employees in Mexico, doubling our current workforce. We are thrilled about our progress and grateful for the opportunity to impact more lives. 

EF: What pitch do you make to your global office to attract more investment and a bigger portfolio to Mexico? 

VS: First and foremost, we prioritize understanding the population's needs. When assessing prevalence, we consider factors such as the country's size, the severity of the disease, and the sustainability of our business. This open dialogue has led us to have one of the country's largest portfolios of Novo Nordisk products. We are proud to offer a wide range of SKUs to meet the diverse needs of our population. 

Shortly, we will be introducing a weekly insulin to the country. Insulin has been a part of people's lives for the last 100 years, but now we are bringing a significant advancement with weekly insulin. This means patients will not need to inject themselves daily, potentially improving their quality of life and treatment outcomes.  

EF: What role does innovation play for you in Mexico, and how is Novo Nordisk leveraging regional research and development?  

VS: We take pride in our commitment to innovation, ingrained in our DNA. Our reputation for innovative products is well known, and achieving this requires substantial investment in research & development and clinical trials. Mexico serves as a vital hub for this. Over the last five years, we've conducted around 30 trials here, investing approximately 600 million Mexican pesos in this area, not to mention the growth and contributions it brings. We are expanding further, aiming to increase our team from 35 to about 50 people, focusing on clinical trial research and innovation in Mexico.  

Alongside our innovative medicines and clinical trials, we are rapidly embracing digitalization and AI. While we are already innovative in science, we strive to innovate in our operational methods. We have two major projects that predict our operational patterns. AI helps our sales consultants talk to healthcare professionals about scientific topics more effectively. It helps them understand what customers prefer, which topics to discuss, which tools to use, whether to email or visit in person, etc. We are always learning and using new tools to improve how we work. 

EF: How do you see your role as Novo Nordisk in building healthy structures for patients? How do you engage with the patient community and offer support “beyond the pill”? 

VS: Novo Nordisk is not a typical company focused solely on selling products. We aim to add value to society. We have strong pillars supporting this, like our Cities For Better Health programs and our alliance with UNICEF. These programs are in Mexico and allow us to make a real difference in patients' lives. UNICEF's focus on combating childhood obesity is crucial, especially in Mexico, where it is a significant issue. With 75% of the population either obese or overweight, there's a high risk of diabetes, too. 18% of Mexicans live with diabetes, which is above the global average. So, our focus is prevention and understanding how we can contribute positively. 

Beyond the pill, we also offer patients a wide array of services and support through our Patient Program “Nuevo Yo”, recognized as the most valued system in the industry and recently won the ASPID award in the "Integral web development campaign" category. The ASPID awards annually recognize the most outstanding communication projects related to the pharmaceutical industry. 

We are always looking for ways to add more value and connect stakeholders. This includes patient associations and government involvement in shaping policies to improve the patient's quality of life.  Our role is to facilitate collaboration and build bridges to ensure a brighter future for everyone.  

EF: Could you tell us how you manage your collaboration with the public system and how you cooperate with the private sector to increase innovation and access to treatments? 

VS: Currently, we serve half of our patients in public and the other half in the private sector. In the private sector, education is our top priority. When patients understand their condition and how to manage it through diet, exercise, and medication, it makes it easier for physicians to provide care. Our patient support program, “Nuevo Yo”, offers educational resources for disease management, nutrition, exercise, and psychological support. We also help patients understand how to use medications correctly, maintain adherence, and monitor their blood sugar levels.  

We also focus on providing access to innovation, recognizing that it can come with a cost. Through our patient support program, we offer discounts ranging from 10% to 50% on innovative drugs. This helps patients afford the treatment they need. In the public setting, where we serve vulnerable patients, we negotiate with payers to ensure access to innovation at an affordable price. Seeing these efforts come to fruition is incredibly fulfilling. 

EF: How do you foster a culture of adherence, and how do you attract top talent to your company? 

VS: An aspect of my job that brings me joy is our focus on our employees, whom we consider part of the Novo Nordisk family. Our culture revolves around respect, where everyone, from the general manager to the receptionist, is treated with dignity. We prioritize accessibility and try to diminish hierarchical barriers. Helping our employees in their development journey and offering great benefits adds value and keeps them happy and engaged. Our purpose-driven approach ensures that every employee feels their work is meaningful. This culture has helped us earn the top spot in the Great Place to Work ranking for two consecutive years. 

EF: What was your 20th-year celebration speech based on? And what are your plans for continuing this success? 

VS: This year is all about celebration, a moment filled with pride and happiness as we recognize our role in driving change. As part of our celebrations, we will move to a new, larger office by the end of the year. And, of course, we will have a party to keep the festivities going. We love to celebrate in Mexico! 

Reflecting on our 20 years of operations in Mexico, we must recognize our achievements. We have grown significantly and become a successful global company. Looking ahead to our 25th anniversary, we must focus on the future and how to continue making a difference. How can we save more lives, enhance societal value, and strengthen partnerships? With an innovative pipeline, we are lined up for even greater success by 2029. By bridging stakeholders and bringing innovation, we can build on our legacy and accelerate success in the future. 

EF: What is your final message to our audience and the sector? 

VS: I want to emphasize the importance of taking care of yourself. It is not just about understanding healthcare; it is about being a role model and improving your health. Make sure to visit your doctor regularly, eat well, and prioritize physical and mental wellness. Remember, the healthier you are, the better you can perform your job and serve society. 

May 2024